Our mission is to...

Safeguard children & adults at risk with enhanced workforce verification​.


Giving Local Authorities the tools to improve safeguarding.

"An institution which provides tuition, training, instruction, or activities to children without their parents’ or carers’ supervision, that is not a:
  • School; College; 16-19 academy;
  • provider caring for children under 8 years old, which is registered with Ofsted or a childminder agency"

Position of trust

Out of School Settings (OOSS)

Checked. Safe. Ready

"Is a legal term that refers to certain roles and settings where an adult has regular and direct contact with children under 18.

Examples of positions of trust include: teachers. care workers. youth justice workers, faith group leaders, sports coaches."


"The Out of School Settings (OOSS) sector is vast and complex, which made Local Authorities’ efforts to undertake safeguarding activity challenging as there is no obligation to notify anyone of their existence, there is no formal register, nor is there a centrally held database."
Safeguard-Me gives Local Authorities peace of mind that all staff working in OOSS are checked, safe and ready.
DfE Out Of School Settings Review 2022
There is significant potential for safeguarding harm in Out of School Settings

DfE Out of School Setting Report Findings

November 2022
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Unlike other educational settings and childcare services, the Out of School Settings sector is unregulated under education and childcare law.
There were a variety of safeguarding risks identified throughout the pilot, including sex offenders working in settings, child grooming…….. and inadequate safeguarding checks, including on staff and volunteer adults.
No consistent standard of safeguarding exists in this sector – the only published guidance is voluntary; and no mechanisms are established for inspecting safety or quality of provision.
All LAs involved in the project acknowledged that the issues they received a referral about during the project probably only reflected “the tip of the iceberg”.

How we can help reduce risk with safeguarding controls:

  • Create a register

    Create and manage a full register of all organisations and individuals in positions of trust in your region.
  • Check standards

    Check organisations meet the required standard of safeguarding before providing any funding or certifying their credentials.
  • All safeguarding measures in one place

    All criminal record & identity checks, qualifications, references and any other requirements you have in one place with alerts for any organisations/individuals not meeting the required standards.
  • Customised platform

    We can build the platform to meet you requirements including the user interface and work hand in hand with you for your reporting.
  • Marketing & communications

    We will support you with any communications to your audiences via your channels as well as activity in our own channels.
  • Free administration access

    No cost to you with free Administration log-ins for your team to manage the database for your region
Building blocks of people being looked at through a magnifying glass
Children getting ready to do an activity in a gym with people in positions of trust
Read our blog about how Local Authorities can improve Safeguarding with partnerships and collaboration.
Whether you want to report abuse or are worried about a child and not sure what to, click through to the NSPCC website below for more help
How to report any concerns
Safeguarding in the community



A trusted community of professionals in "positions of trust"

Our passport instantly demonstrate their verified status, giving you confidence your loved ones are in safe hands

Use the QR code for a more detailed explanation of the safeguarding checks that have been undertaken

Who is in the community​
We're building a trusted community of verified professionals in a position of trust who share our commitment to protecting children and vulnerable adults

The passport confirms their identity, criminal record checks, qualifications and is verified by us or their organisation

The passport has over 50 safeguards verified by us or your organisation.

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Use the form below to introduce them to Safeguard-Me
Coach showing her safeguard-me passport
Tutor showing his safeguard-me passport
Hand holding an iphone of the safeguard me passport
Asian woman holding an iphone with the safeguard-me passport on it