Safeguard-Me Blog

What are the different types of abuse?

Safeguarding General Information
a circle of bubbles with the different types of above written inside each bubble

1. Physical Abuse

Safeguarding means keeping ourselves and others safe from physical harm. No one has the right to hit, kick, or hurt us or a loved one in any way. If you see someone at school hurting others, it's important to tell a trusted adult to stop it.

2. Emotional Abuse:

Safeguarding includes promoting emotional well-being and protecting against emotional harm. It means treating each other with kindness, respect, and understanding. If someone is constantly putting others down or making them feel bad, it's important to step in and resolve the situation.

3. Sexual Abuse:

Protection from unwanted or inappropriate sexual behaviour is of paramount importance. Nobody should touch anyone without permission, or be forced to do things that make us uncomfortable. If this ever happens informing someone you trust immediately to help prevent any further experiences.

4. Neglect:

Everyone has the right to their basic needs being met, like food, shelter, and care. Neglect happens when someone doesn't get these things. For example, if a child doesn't have enough to eat or is left alone for too long but this can happen in situations you least expect so it's always worth checking if the duty of care is being met.

5. Bullying:

Bullying can be a common problem that needs addressing. This is when someone consistently hurts, threats, or leaves others out. It's important to speak up so we need to create a safe and welcoming environment for everyone.

6. Verbal Abuse:

Verbal abuse can be as harmful, sometimes more so, as physical abuse. The impact on someone's well-being also means it can have long lasting effects but also crucially can go unseen. Speaking up if you witness this or being vigilant to a change in someone's behaviour if unseen are key measures to help protect those impacted.

7. Financial Abuse:

Individuals with diminished abilities particularly are sometimes susceptible to financial abuse such as fraud or scams. No one should take or use our money or belongings without permission. Choosing a trusted person carefully to have Power of Attorney of financial affairs is one way we can protect against this.

8. Discrimination:

Everyone has the right to fairness and equality. Someone could be discriminated against because of their disability, race, gender, religion, or other characteristics. It’s important organisations, societies, clubs create an inclusive environment where everyone is treated fairly.

9. Cyberbullying:

Cyberbullying is one of the newest forms of abuse and uses technology to hurt, threaten, or humiliate others. It's another form of abuse that might not be obvious so it's difficult to identify. Setting up parental controls on devices and home networks is one form of protection but we also support the need for greater accountability from social media platforms to help protect our loved ones.

10. Self-neglect:

Taking care of ourselves is sometimes not as easy for all so it's important to seek help when needed. It can be our own well-being, hygiene, or safety that's at risk and it is possible, for example, those with diminished capabilities need a helping hand. It’s important to take notice of someone not taking care of themselves properly.
Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. If you see or experience any form of abuse, it’s important to speak up and take action. Together, we can create a safe and supportive environment for everyone.